[The following is an excerpt from Dr. Cass Ingram's book, The Longevity Solution, and none of the following claims are made by Heal Me Honey LLC. or any of its affiliates. We mean to only pass on true words spoken or written and not alter or warp them in any way. ]
About Royal Jelly - Where it Originates
“Royal jelly is a source of dense nutrition. Because it is nutrient dense, it is reserved by the bees only for their queens. The entire hive is dependent upon the queen; she lays up to 2,000 eggs daily, a monumental task for such a tiny creature. Thus, she must receive intensive nutritional support: amino acids, fatty acids, steroids, hormones, vitamins, and minerals, all of which are provided by royal jelly. The queen lives up to six years, while a worker bee lives six weeks. This means the queen lives over 35 times longer than her workers. Both the queen and the workers, which are also females, begin as identical bee eggs. It is royal jelly alone which makes the difference. It induces a metamorphosis. What’s more, it is exclusively royal jelly that is responsible for the queen’s unique physiology, long life, physical power, and immense fertility.
“It seems incredible that this nutritionally rich substance can actually convert a simple worker bee into a queen. Obviously, it is a magic elixir. No other substance is capable of such a phenomenal biological transformation.
“For humans, taking royal jelly is a positive experience. If you take it regularly, expect to be transformed.”
Royal Jelly and Humans
“The apparently mysterious actions of royal jelly are readily explained by its ingredients. For instance, it is one of the few hormone-rich foods. The hormones it contains are completely safe to ingest. Hormones are known to exert profound actions on human cells. It is listed as the richest source of certain vitamins, notably pantothenic acid, riboflavin, and biotin. It is an excellent source of amino acids, far superior to milk or eggs. Royal jelly is the only significant source of acetylcholine, an important neurotransmitter. Acetylcholine is needed for the transmission of nerve impulses through-out the brain and spinal cord. It contains other rare substances, like immunoglobulins, which are found in no other foods. A rare type of structural protein, a collagen-like substance, is also found in it. The latter is thought to account for its beautifying powers. The fact is no other substances matches its density of cellular and body-building components. This is why it can prove valuable for virtually everyone, because there is no such thing as perfect health. A universal tonic, like royal jelly, is likely to produce universal results, that is – health improvement in virtually everyone who tries it.
“Royal jelly is the broad-spectrum tonic that everyone desires. It is the only tonic proven by scientific studies to rejuvenate the body naturally and safely: hormones, neurotransmitters, enzymes, amino acids, immunoglobulins, hydroxy acids, collagen precursors, B vitamins, fat soluble vitamins, and minerals.
“Recently, growth hormone has been touted as a longevity tonic, but it has never been proven safe. Royal jelly is the 100% safe source of natural, rejuvenating hormones. It contains all of the components the human body needs to rebuild, regenerate, and survive. That is why it is perhaps the most vital and valuable substance known.”
“… DNA and RNA are required for cellular repair and may largely account for royal jelly’s anti-aging action. Yet, royal jelly does more: it stimulates the body to produce its own genetic material. French researchers have proven that royal jelly induces the intracellular synthesis of DNA. This compound in the very basis of life. This explains why researchers worldwide claim that when all other therapies fail, royal jelly revives the body.”
“The fact that royal jelly is predigested explains why it is such a rich source of enzymes. The enzymes are secreted into the royal jelly by the bees. This is also why sublingual [under the tongue] dosing is so therapeutic, because royal jelly may be immediately utilized by the body, and sublingual dosing gets this medicine right where it is needed: into the blood.”
Royal Jelly - Vitamin and Nutrient Rich
“Royal jelly is the most nutrient dense of all foods. It contains all the known B vitamins. Pantothenic acid, the anti-stress vitamin, is found in an ultra dense supply. By weight, royal jelly is approximately 13% protein, which makes it richer in this critical nutrient than virtually any known substance. It contains a large percentage of essential fatty acids, as much as 7%. Much of this fat content is in the form of lipids, including phospholipids and steroids. The phospholipids are essential for nerve cell regeneration. They are also used for brain cell formation. Steroids are cholesterol-like compounds with significant hormonal actions. The steroid hormones exert potent control over cellular activities. They help initiate important biological reactions. In addition, royal jelly is particularly rich in its own unique fatty acid, that is the hydroxy acid known as 10-hydroxy decanoic acid (10-HDA). This is a monounsaturated fat similar to the type found in extra virgin olive oil. However, 10-HDA is a potent substance. It exerts a dramatic effect upon cell function. This fatty acid acts as a pre-hormone, feeding the glands so that they can make hormones on demand. 10-HDA also provides nourishment for the skin. In fact, this is a hydroxy acid which improves the texture of the skin. Hydroxy acids help certain skin cells retain moisture. They also act as natural antiseptics, protecting the skin from germ attack. Plus, they aid in healing infected skin. Thus, royal jelly, with its high content of hydroxy acids, has been reported to aid in the healing of eczema, psoriasis, chronic dermatitis, and other skin disorders.”
“ … royal jelly is exceptionally rich in a group of fats called phospholipids, the most well known of which is lecithin. Royal jelly is richer in lecithin than any other food. Inositol and choline, two components of lecithin which have B vitamin actions, are found in royal jelly in large amounts.”
“Perhaps most impressive is the fact that royal jelly is a rich source of naturally-occurring steroids. This is what largely accounts for its creamy texture. It contains over 50 of them, including testosterone and estrogen. Estradiol is the specific type of estrogen found in royal jelly, a highly bioavailable, that is usable, form. The types of estrogen and testosterone in royal jelly are non-toxic. In fact, these natural steroids enhance male or female organ functions. The steroids in royal jelly are safe for any ailment. Thus, royal jelly is the ideal tonic for reversing hormonal disorders. A variety of conditions related to the hormone system, such as ovarian cysts, uterine spasms, fibroid tumors, PMS, menopausal syndrome, infertility, endometriosis, recurrent miscarriages, preeclampsia, impotence, adrenal insufficiency, and low libido, respond to royal jelly administration.”
“A partial list of some of the key substances found in royal jelly includes:
- amino acids (some 20 total)
- vitamins (A, B-complex, C, D and E)
- minerals (including zinc)
- hydroxy acids
- phospholipids (lecithin, etc.)
- neurotransmitters (acetylcholine)
- collagen precursors
- genetic material (DNA/RNA)
- immune globulins (gamma globulin)
- albumin
- enzymes
- sex hormones
- adrenal steroids
- celluar catalysts
“This is the most impressive array of biological chemicals in a single food known. These are the very substances from which cells are made and with which life proceeds.”
“Royal jelly is a food, and it has a safety profile similar to other natural foods. It is completely edible and is safe for all ages, including babies.”
General Benefits of Using Royal Jelly:
Obstetrics and Gynecology
“One reason for its universal value is that royal jelly is a natural source of steroid hormones.
The steroids control a wide range of female functions, including ovulation, menstruation, fertilization, temperature control, sexual arousal, and libido. Thus, disorders of the female glands are often due to a deficiency and/or imbalance in steroid hormone production and/or metabolism. Both estrogen and progesterone are steroids.
“Breast problems readily respond to royal jelly therapy. This is particularly true of fibrocystic breast disease and/or swollen/sore breasts. Usually, an improvement is noted within a week or two. Studies have documented reversal of breast cysts, soreness, swelling and inflammation. Plus, there is the unexpected benefit of improved appearance and increased girth. Note: women who already have large breasts don’t have an aggravation. Apparently, this action is seen only in women with insufficient breast development.
“It also boosts the desire for sex by increasing stamina and vitality. However, it also helps induce a sort of natural female “love reflex”. Thus, females who regularly take it tend to have a greater than normal desire to initiate lovemaking. What’s more, the response to male arousal increases. The vaginal secretions are also enhanced. Royal jelly is likely to make love-making a more pleasant and powerful experience.”
Geriatrics (Anti-aging)
“Dozens of studies indicate that royal jelly blocks the aging process. This benefit is seen both with topical and internal use. Topically, royal jelly keeps the skin supple, that is, it helps the skin retain moisture. It also provides nourishment, aiding in the regeneration of skin cells. Royal jelly contains steroid hormones, which eliminate swelling and inflammation. Such hormones also naturally boost critical organs, such as the pituitary, adrenals, and ovaries, whose function declines with age. Taken internally, it is such a potent tonic that it fights aging in all organs.”
“Mental diseases of the elderly often improve dramatically after royal jelly therapy. Binet noted that royal jelly is usually effective in reversing the mental disturbances seen in senility diseases. Royden Brown describes a case of Parkinson’s disease which dramatically improved. German doctors also used it for this condition, describing several cases of remissions. Royal jelly provides nutrients needed by the aging brain, including pantothenic acid, thiamine, niacin, serotonin, inositol, phospholipids, and acetylcholine.
“Royal jelly strengthens the function of the nervous system, especially the sympathetic nervous system, which is highly dysfunctional in senility diseases. It also improves adrenal function. The adrenal glands control blood sugar levels, and senility diseases are associated with disordered blood sugar metabolism.”
“A variety of investigators claim that royal jelly reverses mental symptoms, including depression, anxiety, nervousness, memory loss, and insomnia. This may be largely due to its rich content of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which it contains in amounts as high as one milligram per gram. The levels in the nervous system of this substance decline dramatically during aging. The direct intake of this neurotransmitter through the consumption of royal jelly may account for the rather dramatic improvement in mental capacity observed by some researchers. Ideally, sublingual dosing provides the most potent means of replenishing this rare substance.”
“After studying the anti-aging powers of royal jelly, Dr. Saenz came to this conclusion, “Royal jelly allows man to recover his biological balance and confront aging with optimism and serenity … Nature has created a genuine panacea for the aged or, to put it simply, for the adult who wishes to extend the limits of the natural aging process.”
“A number of studies have studied how royal jelly protects the body from cancer. The regular intake may even prevent this disease from occurring. The effects are so dramatic that it is shocking that cancer doctors are so unfamiliar with it.”
“In 1994, French investigators found that the active ingredient of royal jelly, 10-HDA, possesses anti-cancer powers. This compound improved the ability of white blood cells to destroy tumor cells. This elevates royal jelly to a rare status: that of one of the few compounds which, if taken regularly, will protect the body from cancerous degeneration.”
“Perhaps the most valuable arena in oncology for royal jelly is in support of individuals undergoing chemotherapy. Here, royal jelly is lifesaving. It helps rejuvenate the body which has been subjected to this gruesome therapy. It revives shocked tissues, increasing the resistance to infection and stress. It regenerates the appetite and relieves stomach pain. It attempts to rebuild an immune system battered by harsh poisons.”
“The point is royal jelly is one of the few reliable and safe tonics for individuals recovering from chemotherapy. It may be taken as a supportive therapy. It is likely to ease much of the distress associated with this toxic therapy. It also helps reverse much of the toxicity of radiation therapy. Royal jelly gives the body the opportunity to rebuild, and therefore, regain the healthy cell and organ function it needs to survive.”
“Royal jelly is one of the few nutritional supplements that is safe for infants. It nourishes them to such an intensive degree that the results are readily evident. Royal jelly should be a mainstay of treatment for any infant with poor growth, developmental problems, impaired immunity, and poor appetite. Yet, it should also be given to healthy babies, so that they can become as strong as possible. Babies tolerate royal jelly incredibly well, just as well as breast milk. The fact is, like breast milk, it is a complete food.
“Children respond equally as well as infants. Researchers found that children with failure to thrive rapidly improved with royal jelly therapy. Appetite became vigorous and growth was accelerated. Teenagers with stunted growth also responded, growing rapidly to their natural height and weight. This is the ideal tonic for children or teenagers with poor eating habits. The appetite quickly becomes more vigorous, and the desire for healthy foods is dramatically enhanced. Plus, children who are physically weak or excessively thin rapidly normalize.”
“Hardening of the arteries, angina, heart failure, heart enlargement, and heart disease in general have been reversed with royal jelly. Human studies have proven that this highly therapeutic compound, even in small quantities, positively affects cholesterol and triglyceride counts.”
“Royal jelly is an effective nerve tonic. It helps relax agitated nerves, inducing a sort of calm state. The heart and arteries are controlled by the nervous system. Stress and anger may precipitate heart disease. Thus, by combating the toxic effects of stress, royal jelly may prove helpful in reversing a variety of cardiovascular conditions, including high blood pressure, angina, heart failure, heart rhythm disturbance, and coronary heart disease.”
“A number of physicians have observed that royal jelly mends ulcers. Perhaps this universal observation is due to the fact that it is a rich source of pantothenic acid, a vitamin well known to induce healing. It may be royal jelly’s cortisone-like action that is responsible. Regardless of the mechanism of action, the fact is royal jelly greatly aids in the healing of stomach and intestinal ulcers. Plus, it is safe to take with medications, because it is merely a food.
“Disorders of the intestines respond well to royal jelly. This substance greatly nourishes the colonic and intestinal cells, which induce rebuilding and regeneration. Stress is a major cause of colitis attacks. This is directly related to weak adrenal function. The direct action of royal jelly on the adrenal glands may aid in reversing this condition.”
“In the 1960s, English physicians performed a rather large study on arthritics. Using a combination of royal jelly and pantothenic acid, they monitored symptoms and blood vitamin levels. As the levels in the blood of pantothenic acid rose, so responded the arthritic symptoms. In all subjects within 28 days there was a definite improvement, and in a number of patients the paid was completely eliminated. These individuals had dozens of symptoms of rheumatism. Incredibly, in many instances all of the symptoms disappeared… Cortisone is the body’s natural defense against arthritis. This hormone is produced by the adrenal glands. In arthritis, these glands fail to produce sufficient amounts. Royal jelly dramatically increases the production of cortisone. This may be why it is one of the most effective natural cures against arthritis.”
“German and French physicians have reported that royal jelly seems to halt aging of the brain. Germany’s Dr. H.W. Schmidt has found that it reverses senility diseases. In some instances, Parkinson’s disease may be ameliorated, and royal jelly is known to reduce or eliminate Parkinsonian tremors. The regular intake of large amounts (4,200 to 5,600 mg) may even reverse this disease. It is also the ideal nutritional supplement for stroke victims. This is because it provides a plethora of nutrients direly needed for healing brain tissue.”
Infectious diseases
“There is an extensive amount of data documenting royal jelly’s potent action on strengthening the immune system. Research indicates that it is a general tonic, that it enhances a wide range of immune parameters. Regular consumption improves the ability of white blood cells to cleanse the body of toxins, germs, and even cancer cells.”
A partial list of diseases and health conditions that improve through daily use of royal jelly:
- Acne
- Addictions
- Adrenal insufficiency
- Allergies
- Alzheimer’s disease
- Anemia
- Anorexia
- Anxiety
- Arthritis
- Asthma
- Attention deficit disorder (ADD)
- Cancer
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)
- Crohn’s disease
- Cold sores
- Depression
- Diabetes
- Eczema
- Endometriosis
- Failure to thrive
- Fibromyalgia
- Fungal infections
- Hair loss and graying of the hair
- Hepatitis
- Immune deficiency
- Impotence
- Infertility
- Insomnia
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
- Jet lag
- Low libido
- Malnourished (sickly) kids
- Menopausal syndrome
- Menstrual cramps
- Migraine headaches
- Neurodermatitis
- Ovarian cysts
- Pancreatitis
- Panic attacks
- Parkinson’s disease
- Psoriasis
- Radiation damage
- Stomach ulcers
- Sugar addiction
- Sun damage (of the skin)
- Tuberculosis
- Viral infections
- Wound healing
Dr. Cass Ingram is a nutritional physician who received a B.S. in biology and chemistry from the University of Northern Iowa and a D.O. from the University of Osteopathic Medicine and Health Sciences in Des Moines, Iowa.
Dr. Ingram has written over 20 books on natural healing and health. His research and writing have led to countless cures and discoveries. Dr. Cass Ingram presents 100’s of health tips and insights in his many books on health, nutrition, and disease prevention. Dr. Ingram is one of North America’s leading experts on the health benefits and disease fighting properties of wild medicinal spice extracts. A popular media personality, he has appeared on over 5,000 radio and TV shows. He now travels the world promoting health -- the natural way. |